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Englische Konjugation

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z , Übersicht

Suche nach Infinitiv (min. 3 Buchstaben):

to wander [tr, intr]

to wander, wandered, wandered
– wanders, wandering –

Top - Indicative - Conditional - Subjunctive - Imperative - Bottom
indicative presentindicative past tense
I do not wanderI did not wander
you do not wanderyou did not wander
he/she/it does not wanderhe/she/it did not wander
we do not wanderwe did not wander
you do not wanderyou did not wander
they do not wanderthey did not wander
indicative present continuousindicative past tense continuous
I am not wanderingI was not wandering
you are not wanderingyou were not wandering
he/she/it is not wanderinghe/she/it was not wandering
we are not wanderingwe were not wandering
you are not wanderingyou were not wandering
they are not wanderingthey were not wandering
indicative present perfectindicatif past perfect
I have not wanderedI had not wandered
you have not wanderedyou had not wandered
he/she/it has not wanderedhe/she/it had not wandered
we have not wanderedwe had not wandered
you have not wanderedyou had not wandered
they have not wanderedthey had not wandered
indicative present perfect cont.indicative past perfect cont.
I have not been wanderingI had not been wandering
you have not been wanderingyou had not been wandering
he/she/it has not been wanderinghe/she/it had not been wandering
we have not been wanderingwe had not been wandering
you have not been wanderingyou had not been wandering
they have not been wanderingthey had not been wandering
indicative futureindicative future perfect
I shall/will not wanderI shall/will not have wandered
you will not wanderyou will not have wandered
he/she/it will not wanderhe/she/it will not have wandered
we shall/will not wanderwe shall/will not have wandered
you will not wanderyou will not have wandered
they will not wanderthey will not have wandered
indicative future continuousindicative future cont.
I shall/will not be wanderingI shall/will not have been wandering
you will not be wanderingyou will not have been wandering
he/she/it will not be wanderinghe/she/it will not have been wandering
we shall/will not be wanderingwe shall/will not have been wandering
you will not be wanderingyou will not have been wandering
they will not be wanderingthey will not have been wandering
Top - Indicative - Conditional - Subjunctive - Imperative - Bottom
conditional presentconditional perfect
I should/would not wanderI should/would not have wandered
you would not wanderyou would not have wandered
he/she/it would not wanderhe/she/it would not have wandered
we should/would not wanderwe should/would not have wandered
you would not wanderyou would not have wandered
they would not wanderthey would not have wandered
conditional present cont.conditional perfect cont.
I should/would not be wanderingI should/would not have been wandering
you would not be wanderingyou would not have been wandering
he/she/it would not be wanderinghe/she/it would not have been wandering
we should/would not be wanderingwe should/would not have been wandering
you would not be wanderingyou would not have been wandering
they would not be wanderingthey would not have been wandering
Top - Indicative - Conditional - Subjunctive - Imperative - Bottom
subjunctive presentsubjunctive past tense
that I not wanderthat I not wandered
that you not wanderthat you not wandered
that he/she/it not wanderthat he/she/it not wandered
that we not wanderthat we not wandered
that you not wanderthat you not wandered
that they not wanderthat they not wandered
subjunctive present continuoussubjunctive past tense continuous
that I not be wanderingthat I not were wandering
that you not be wanderingthat you not were wandering
that he/she/it not be wanderingthat he/she/it not were wandering
that we not be wanderingthat we not were wandering
that you not be wanderingthat you not were wandering
that they not be wanderingthat they not were wandering
subjunctive futuresubjunctive future continuous
that I not were to wanderthat I not were to be wandering
that you not were to wanderthat you not were to be wandering
that he/she/it not were to wanderthat he/she/it not were to be wandering
that we not were to wanderthat we not were to be wandering
that you not were to wanderthat you not were to be wandering
that they not were to wanderthat they not were to be wandering
Top - Indicative - Conditional - Subjunctive - Imperative - Bottom
imperative presentimperative past
do not let me wanderdo not let me have wandered
do not wanderdo not have wandered
do not let him/her/it wanderdo not let him/her/it have wandered
do not let us wanderdo not let us have wandered
do not wanderdo not have wandered
do not let them wanderdo not let them have wandered
not to wandernot wandering
not to have wanderednot wandered

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