This is a calculator to calculate prices with different rates of value added tax. The following values are displayed at the same time:
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Type a fitting value into one of the lighter fields.
After a click on any free space of the window or the "calculate" button,
the calculation of the other values is performed.
You may change the rates of the value added tax in the darker fields.
Click on the "reset" button to reset the calculation.
Example: With a VAT rate of 16 % some goods cost 9.90 €. What would you have to pay with a VAT rate of 19 % and the same net price ? Type "9.9" into the field "price incl. VAT" in the 16 % column. Click on any free space of the window or the "calculate" button and read the results: With 19 % VAT rate the price would be 10.16 €, the goods would be more expensive by 26 cent.
- Please note the remarks about the
representation of numbers..
- There is no warranty for the calculation. Cactus2000 is not
responsible for damage of any kind caused by wrong results.
- Please send an email if you have suggestions or if you would like to see more
conversions to be included.
© Bernd Krüger, 05.08.2006, 07.06.2020